Taking care of business! —Blog page for design projects, updates, and all things interior design.

Grand Prix weekend in Long Beach!

This weekend was spent at the Grand Prix here in Long Beach!  It's an amazing time for the neighborhood and has continued to be each year since the 1970's, with numerous indy cars and trucks racing through the streets of downtown Long Beach. If you are from the area or traveling to SoCal, we definitely recommend checking it out as it's a pretty unique experience. 

The Grand Prix wasn't the only thing going on in Long Beach, there were a few antique markets happening around town as well! We stopped by to take a look and found some pretty rare and uncommon pieces that are looking for a home! Let us know if we can be of any assistance helping you to find the furnishings and decor of your dreams!


Grand Prix

fun in Long Beach!

Projects and Inspiration, More Coming!

Images coming soon of a law office redesign in Chicago, IL at the AMA Building.  Here is a piece of art our client just had to have, along with a collage of current projects and inspiration!  Enjoy.

Bixby Knolls, Design Update

Check below to see the refinished flooring process. These floors were very dark, but the refreshed light oak compliments the new wall color selections so much better! To review more images, click on the original blog: "Bixby Knolls Design Project."

We have more client interest in the Bixby Knolls neighborhood, so we'll be working in this part of Long Beach even more! We are looking into a kitchen and master bath remodel! Stay tuned... #ilovelongbeach


Naples, Design Update

Having trouble deciding what paint colors to use in your home makeover? No problem, we can help with that, too! The options available are limitless, so let us take that task off your list! Take a look at this small bathroom in the Naples neighborhood of Long Beach, CA.  

Scroll down to see what the client decided!

