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2017 Color Forecast

Last week we talked about the hottest fabric this year and that's velvet! If you're a little weary to incorporate a texture into your design, fear not - a new paint color has the ability to give your room or home just the facelift it needs! Wondering what the color forecast for 2017 is? Sherwin Williams made it easy for us providing some inspirational palettes, so get ready to reveal your self-expression with the future of color!

Need a break from the bright glowing city lights and in search of a peaceful space to recharge your spirit? Then dark hues can set a dramatic space to turn your gaze inward. 

"You do you" is the mantra of our generation and why not lend that to your personal design? Blending fiery tones and vibrant color gives way to "there are no rules in design" thought process. Take a chance, be bold and display your personality with a feisty energy in your paint choices! 

We are living in communal times with businesses like Airbnb, Lyft and Uber just to name a few helping us to understand our sense of coexistence. We are citizens of the world, thus making us more connected. The Unbound color palette forces cultures to mingle and share a collective 'we.' Get inspired! 

With so many choices in each color palette, the possibilities are virtually endless! Let our expert Interior Designer come in and tailor these colors for your home or rental property! Contact us today!