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Display Your Memories

With smartphones capturing moments is easier than ever. So why not take those memories and make them part of your home design? Instead of printing and framing your pictures, try a digital display.

Don't let your memories get trapped in technology, move them to your television for your guests to see. Pick a small collection of photos that serve a purpose or have a theme for a rich viewing experience. You can connect your TV via technology such as Apple TV or Xbox. Once your images are displayed on your device, try to update them once a month. If you're having a gathering, pick images that reflect the people that are coming over to visit! Don't just let your images sit there, remember that you have them up for a purpose, so be sure to enjoy them and keep them updated frequently! 

The future of displaying photos is the upcoming technology from Halē Orb, which will also put your TV to use. This softball-size remote pulls up photos to your television with just a tap. A small stick plugged into the TV installs this remote and uses a Wi-Fi connection to stream images onto your television. Once it's released this summer, your friends and family will be able to view and share photos in a large format, whether they're uploaded or on social media platforms! 

Adding elements of your life is a great addition to your home styling! There are so many inexpensive and creative ways to personalize your space and with a little set-up and a few clicks, you'll be able to enjoy your new and old images all throughout your home - have fun!