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Finding Pieces!

At Design & Manage, sourcing pieces or furnishings is a big part of what we do.  With so many options to select from, we opt for vintage one-of-a-kind pieces in some instances, but we also like to take advantage of new pieces trending in the current market.  We pride ourselves on having the unique ability to find what you're looking for, meaning, going the extra mile to do the heavy lifting at estate sales, antique markets, flea markets, sourcing the internet, and many other tools we utilize to find that perfect piece.  

Below is an example of a reproduced vintage item, the Harry Bertoia chair, which was designed for Knoll around 1952. This chair was a huge hit throughout the 1950's and 60's and is still incredibly popular today.  Knoll sells this chair anywhere from $7-800 per chair and the vintage version of these chairs can go for way more than that! See what you think of this reproduction version in the images below.  It's pretty close, in fact it's almost identical with the same seat cushions and is offered in a variety of color options at half the cost.  Let us know if we can be of any help finding you the chairs and furnishings of your dreams.  Any of these options and much more are available including, new, vintage or quality reproductions.  We have access to every chair out there! 

*This image is of the original by Knoll.

*This image is of the original by Knoll.