Taking care of business! —Blog page for design projects, updates, and all things interior design.

Built Inc and Bootsy Bellows!

Design & Manage is working on a large commercial project for Built-inc in West Hollywood! Stay tuned for images and details of the new re-design and build out of Bootsy Bellows nightclub.

Need residential interior design?

Refer A Friend! $500 OFF your design concept, or FREE consultation!

A business professional with ten years of interior design, project management, and general management experience. Ability to curate the interior design of homes, vacation rentals and oversized commercial spaces. Specializing in mid century modernist design and custom, unique concepts. Hand-selected materials and FF&E specific to each project. With the incorporation of vintage, rare, and on-trend new pieces, we create an inviting atmosphere.

Team Building - Problem Solving - Budgeting - Client Relationship Building - Cross-functional Supervision - Scheduling - Vendor Management - Conceptualizing 

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